Sunday, April 27, 2014

2014 sybli ludington 50k: race photos & results

happy to report that i'm back to running ultras!  sybil was my first ultra in 2 years (and my last ultra back in 2012) before succumbing to chronic compartment syndrome - which is now, thankfully, a distant memory.  but the really big new was the retirement of the race directors and the possibility that the 36th edition of this historic event may, in fact, be its :(

i didn't have my camera at the start, so the first two photos are eliots - who not only took photos and manned the 10 mile aid station w/his son - but is running the lake waramug 50 miler on sunday!  way to go eliot :D

as for my return... i didn't break 5 hours (5:11:42) - but was more than pleases (ecstatic, actually) to have it in the books.  and getting a 3rd in my age group was icing on the cake :D

here is my race report.

here are the race results from taconic roadrunners.

here are the rest of  my photos (post-race) up on facebook.

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