Sunday, July 25, 2010

greetings from ashland, new hampshire, once again :D

these trips up to ashland, new hampshire, have become an annual event for us. in july we drive up here to drop katie off at summer camp. then in august we drive back here to pick her up from camp and bring her home. this is year six, and probably our last one since katie has reached her final year as a camper :(

we arrived last night, shortly after eight - following the shortest drive here we've ever had (4 hours and 20 minutes) thanks to no traffic whatsoever on the mass pike! not sure we'll see a repeat of that phenomena any time soon (especially on the drive home this afternoon).

i got in a hilly 5.5 miles this morning - over a route and terrain that i've run so often it seems like an old friend. this time there was none of the typical fog and humidity i've often encountered, so it was a lot of fun. after a quick breakfast, we're outta here :D

stay tuned, i'll post a few pictures when i get home tonight!

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